Thursday, May 31, 2012

Freak Ripening

This is third yellow tom that has ripened off the vine.  Am aware that commercial produce is ripened off the vine everyday but they use chemicals.  There are no chemicals here, so have aliens attacked?  Does city water have growth chemicals?  Strange things are happening here....  Along with the three yellow toms, two grape toms have done the same.  Census stated that they tasted the same as the others. 

Skin Update:  Yes yellow tom skin is still tough but not as bad as before.  Think tough skin was due to excessively large tom size.  Fruits are ripening closer to description image now.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Peppers, Peppers, Peppers!

Will these meekly little ol' peppers be remembered years later as the famous line stated by Marsha Brady???  Probably not for anyone expect me but that's ok too.  These poor peppers have had to work to look this great.  Now if they would just start changing colors.  Am worried about the yellow peps (1st pic).  Fruits are getting HUGE and space seems crowded.  Wondering if crowding should be thinned or not.  Red peps (2nd pic) will have the same problem when these get bigger.  Can't see commercial farms spending time on thinning.  Gonna have to read up.  Can you believe that last pic is mini red pep?  It looked so bad a few weeks ago and last week needed staking (grey steak in middle of pic) to help hold up plant during recovery. Go Peps Go!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Life on Venus

Third rock from the sun is not near as hot as Venus.  However that is what I am expecting these plants to survive, Venus like temps.  Currently it is 92F, feels like 97F and the peak heat has not yet passed.  Too me, I don't think 92F is too hot.  Sure the sun is baking on my back as plants were rearranged but nothing outta ordinary.  What has not been taken into account is asphalt temp.  Eeeh gads, that adds another 10-15 degrees!!!  Now that's HOT, hot enough to kill plants.  On avg, plants are getting between 64oz-168oz daily with some plants (cucs, squash, red peps) still look fried.  Results:dead cucs.  Reduce, reuse, recycle has been a running theme since the start.  Now 2.5 months later, cucs are playing their part too.  With their loss the bucket was double stacked under squash, dirt was used to fill in around recently drowned plants, and leaves were mulched under red peps.  No losses here, learning is always a progress forward!

Here are two great links on double buckets showing multiple variations with lots of pics for explanation.  Self-water containersSIP Buckets.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Decided yesterday that toms needed to be re-staked, especially grape toms (they were dragging the ground).  Numerous twisties later (recycled from bread loaves) and with careful maneuvering the plants were brought upwards.  Grape toms were placed in front of pallet racking to aide in attachment.  Branches were everywhere making it easier to stake and toms coloring were easier to determine when not crowded.  These are not commercial toms, they demand full flavoring.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Peppering Again

On the road again with mini red peps.  Yet again by some mysterious plant karma, mini red pep survived flooding and looks ready to produce fruits again.  Still lacking foliage, haven't seen new buds coming in either, but I have high hopes.  Plant will need to replace lost leaves in order to protect fruits from pm heat.  If not, plant will be moved to hide behind toms for protection.  Its June (or close enough to it in my farmers almanac),  so bring on the heat.  Some rain would be great too!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ariel View

Thought a large bucket garden view was due so the whole affect could be felt.  Starting at 12 with zucchini squash, yellow peps directly below, mini red peps at 3 o'clock with basil in back (for late pm sun protection), red peps at 4, plum toms at 7, cucs at 9 and grape toms at 11.  That's it, the whole nuts and bolts (what a local resturant calls their fried mushrooms and squash basket).  Oh those buckets in right corner are water collectors.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Difference in Tom Growth

Toms are looking great. Of course that depends on whose talking. Grape toms look crazy with stakes more for form than function.  Pic taken from top of bush so you can see how it speads out and down.  Plum toms stakes have form and function as you see middle section is staying strong. With the lack of rain the toms don't seem to be setting as much.   However with all the fruits there are actually some making it to the table for dinner.  Have noticed that current plum toms that are setting are smaller in size more like description shows.  Wondering if this is gonna affect tough skins.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good Things

Why do good good thing come all at once?  Why can't it be spread out some?  Is there some unseen force that says there is either too much rain or none at all?  I'm sure that this force has been pondered since the dawn of farming but it is perplexing none the less.  There has not been a drop of rain (or dew) since last Tuesday meaning collection buckets are empty (gave the last out this am) and plants are starting to crunch.  Had to fill buckets with city water and place in the sun to kill added chemicals.  On the bright side the berries are coming back along with the mini red pepper plant.  Yeah!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Needs Something Green

Taste verdicts are in: yellow plum toms are toughed skin and similar to tomatillos in sweetness level.  The kiddo made ugly faces yet continued to eat and asked for two more while the spouse says "they're ok."  The standard "they're ok" doesn't fly well with me.  Not gonna waste em so it seems that I won't be looked at funny for cooking with them after all.  Already have recipe in waiting!

Had a handful of cherry toms but decided to wait another day or so on the cucs.  Still waiting on the squash and all peppers.  Don't know what happened to this squash, looked good on Monday and now this.  Picked it so not to strain the plant for the other fruits.  Pic needed something green to balance color palate, too bad its not edible.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lots of Little Cucs

Good old nursery rhymes. Once you know them they never go away. They're always there in the back of the mind and when least expected when the song pops up like you are five and were singing it yesterday. Whatever the case it worked for the cucs. At last count there are about 15 little cuts in various stages. Yellow toms should be ready tomorrow and they are some of the most beautiful fruits ever seen on a bush. Something about contrast between green and bright yellow is tantalizing! Still waiting on the red peps to change and the squash is coming along but haven't found a way to plug the holes.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Holed Up

Well drat.  For the last four days the squash plant withers in the late afternoon.  The pic is from an 1:30ish and there is lots more sun left.  Add nother glass of precious rain H2O is added it seems to do fine.  Squash was one of the plants that did not have water drain when holes were drilled last week.  It seems apparent now (hindsight always 20/20) that holes should not have been drilled.  Gonna have to look for another bucket (could use mini pep if it kicks the bucket) to double stack or find some way to stopper up the holes.  Jesh who knew watering was so finicky!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Its Always the Peppers

I know, I know!  Some people are not meant for gardening.  There are people with green thumbs but mine must be brown.  This plant (mini red pep) was looking great before the rains came and now this.  Its just awful!  Lije the other drowned plants (not from natural causes), the fruits were plucked and the flowers were discarded for mulch.  As far as dying though, it seems to be holding on for it has been at this phase for a couple of days.  If the branches are shook the leaves that are remaining don't fall off.  That has to be a good sign, right???  Well at least all the other plants look great.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rain Results

Its been a glorious plant weather week.  The rain stopped at 7" letting the sun shine since while holding temps in the upper 80's.  Plants are recovering from their drowning experiences and fruits are popping up everywhere and setting with radiating colors.  Just look at all those cherry toms!  They hardly made it to the table.  Whats better is that is just one area in the plant.  There's another with a whole section of green toms waiting to turn.  Guess I should try one to see how great they are.  Maybe....

Friday, May 18, 2012

Yellowed Toms

The first of the apricot sized yellow pear toms is changing color.  Currently it is a pale yellow greenish color but the pic shows when ready to be the same color as yellow bell peppers.  Am excited about these new toms.  Never before have I had any other color expect red.  Of course it will be the taste testers who give results because toms are only good for cooking in my book.  Yes I know let the me be struck down for speaking such filth!  With the yellow changing, the red toms producing a handful a day and the cucs every other day, I am on my way to a decent salad.  Too bad I cant grow spinach in a bucket.  Yum!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sunsational Squash

When the sun aligns with the moon it is a splendid sight to see.  When the sun aligns with the squash, it is "sense"ual!  Visually it didn't last long but it did leave me wondering.  Was the squash touchable or had it surpassed beyond the human sphere?  Was I breathing?  What happened to all the morning traffic during those few moments?  One moment all was normal (whatever that is) and the next ....   What was left was a feeling of calm, purpose, and insignificance.  It was great!  Lets do that again!

Oh yeah, the squash, they're great too!  There's actually four, one is outta of range.  Cherry toms should have close to a dozen ready tomorrow and I think the red pepper might be changing colors!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let the Water Flow

Rain, rain and more rain.  As of late yesterday the gauge was up to 7" in less than a week.  Fortunately the remaining weeks' forecast is for sun.  With that kinda rain the plants (except for cucs and squash) were literally floating in their buckets.  So with little alternative left, holes were drilled.  Holes were drilled on bottom for future usage of double stacked buckets if desired.  This allows excess water to drain into second bucket with no water wasted and no mess around bottoms.

Pic one shows strawberry and mini pepper plants.  Water visible is what could not be poured out onto ground first!  They by far were the worse with fungus growing in the bottom of the buckets and smelling of swamp.  Buckets were washed, drilled (second pic) and new dirt placed in bottom.  Third pic is bottom of cherry toms after first hole drilled.  YIKES!!!  There was no water in cucs or squash buckets.  Guess the leaves keeps most of the water out.

Lesson learned:  buckets have to have holes for drainage and air circulation to prevent root rot, fungus, fruit loss and for overall healthy plant growth.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Beast Grows

During morning visual inspections to see how much rain actually soaked in between the leaves, I noticed this new branch split.  The first split occurs not 3 inches up and the branch is loaded with toms.  But as you can just see in the pic (top right corner) is a white twisty.  There is lots of debates on staking (or not) a tom plant.  In the last garden I waited to long and the plants went crazy!  Sure it looked great but getting to fruits was difficult and I was constantly on the look out for critter alert under the bushes.  Being in a bucket I decided that staking was critical since there was no run room but it does not seemed to have helped.  Since the plant seems to be doing well after first I wouldn't worry except for the rain.  The last count was just past 5" and that's not including today.  Hold on toms, the sun is on the way!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

More Mulch Please

Maybe it was the intense heat.  Maybe it was all the rain in the last week.  Or maybe it is just the natural composting speed of this mulch.  Whatever the reason, the plants are in definite need of more.  Too bad that there is no more free stuff and that some will have to be purchased tomorrow.  Fortunately there is a reputable organic garden facility that specializes in dirt/mulching/compost within the area that has never steered me wrong before.  Cannot afford to waste whats left of the rain water on evaporation!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What a Come Back

This may look the unhealthiest plants ever grown but trust me when I say that compared to what the pepper looked like after drowning you will think that they look good today too!!!  Of course the strawberries never looked as bad but burnt leaves show clear enough their results from the experience.  Berries were also trimmed of incoming fruits and dead/dying branches.  Since it seemed to have worked for the peppers, had to try for the berries too.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tower Buckets

In the many days scouring the net looking at other bucket gardens, I stumbled across this blog posting about bottle tower gardens from a few years back.  Since reading, various size bottles were being collected to transfer herbs at appropriate sizing.  In following their example, I was gonna use the found pallet racking as the support system.  Even though the herbs have gone the way of the dodo, the information is still so fantastic that I am including it for future reference in the fall.  Oh well, luckily all that keeps easily enough and didn't cost a thing!  Love that free stuff.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Where Have All the Squash Gone

Last week there were three, now there is one.  Sure it is shiny and firm, so why did the other 2 lose their flowers, shrivel up and die?  How can there be sauteed mini squash if they are now compost?  Another perplexing question: why all male flowers?  Don't get me wrong the male flowers look great.  But how does one determine the masculinity of a flower?  They are huge, bright and inviting and still the plant lack female flowers?  Has it not been hot enough the past two weeks for 'em or is it simply just the lack of pollination?  Hmmm....

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Itsy Bitsy Cucs

Went up the staked cage, down came the rain and washed the flowers away.  Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy cucs will climb the cage again.  That's the plan anyways (well for me that is)!  Beginning to think that flowering is a delicate stage in a plants life.  Too much wind, not enough bees, too much rain, not enough water.   Just look at all those ground flowers.  There must be 20-25 of them.  Fruits on the other hand look great.  Bet they will look even better on my plate!  Of course that is when all this rain stops, not that I am complaining or anything.  Sun the rest of the day and rain again tomorrow would be great.  Here's hoping!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mini Pepper Pinch

Drizzle, rain, drizzle was what yesterday looked like, bringing another four tenths of an inch of rain.  Made me what to stomp, splash and squeal with delight in the puddles.  Oh to be a kid again and not get looked at funny for playing in the rain.  Anyhoo....  Noticed that the mini pep plant had shed some blooms (top of pic) and a fruit yesterday afternoon.  Not concerned though, there are many tiny fruits that have set in the last week or so.  Other 2 fruits are coming along, the biggest being about 2.5" and looking more delectable daily.  Especially when glistening with rain water!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Yellow Toms

Look at these beauties!  It seems that are loving the rain.  They are about the size of a small apricot.  Had another four tenths of an inch last night.  Now they're saying this late night rain shower trend is gonna last till the weekend.  Yeah!  Things are improving greatly since last week.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Herbal Loss

Guess herb growing is done for right now.  Its getting TOO hot.  Don't know for sure but I think the inconsistency of window temperature (hot-too hot and brrr cold at night with ac) is the reason for seeds not sprouting.  These have been in the window for a month.  Gonna have to wait till fall to try again.  After yesterdays rain shower the squash is already wilting.  Of course it did not get near the amount of water due to leaf coverage but still!  It has been intense heat.  They are calling for more rain tonight and the buckets are ready to fill.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Clap Crack and Roll

A whole inch! Can you believe it?  I surely cannot because there is no water in the bucket!!!  The wind blew and blew and blew and blew the buckets and collecting channels away.  Ugh.  Oh well, at least the plants were thoroughly watered.  Even the ones that did not need it!  They were promptly drained of excess water.  And to think that the pepper looked hopeful.  Rain first thing this morning and sun all day with gentle breeze.  Maybe it was gecko good luck.  Excellent growing weather.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Run!!!  Get the pitch forks!!! Protect the plants!!!  Varan is amongst us!!!!  I know your thinking, this monster lacks flying abilities as his name sack.  But let me tell you, when the water bucket was slightly tipped in order to get some sun for pic purposes he about flew out with teeth barred, tongue slashing and hissing.  Ok not really but it sounded good right. Yes, however, I stifled a cry!  Hey I human, it took me by surprise.  Found this little critter stuck in the water bucket.  Sorry buddy, no water today.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Small Eats

Well here is today's fruits.  Pretty sad I know.  The little peppers are from the red pepper plant that was drowned.  Thought that since plant was trying to hang in, that removing the fruits should help.  Those were the only 3 ripened toms and there is 1 cuc left.  Oh me oh my, my experiment seems to be failing.  Gonna have to do some serious garden searching.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Unlucky Breaks

I have no idea what I'm doing in this bucket adventure.  All I know for sure is that it is taking a turn for the worse.  Some of the down turn is my fault (refusing to drill holes in buckets), some of its bad luck (herbs refusing to seed), other is just no luck at all (damping off).  Cuc are looking crispy and have only set new 3 fruits, while other fruits are dried out crunchy remnants.  Squash seems to be too confined for its bucket and the berries experienced the same downfall as the pepper.  Toms have tons of fruit but none ripping and the branches are drying where it is rubbing the stakes.  Ugh!  Strangely enough the basil looks great but is growing in fungus.  Did I create a new breed?  Ha ha!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Green Toms No More

Look at those colors!  All it took was a smidgen of rain.  Didn't I say that all the tap water in the world was no comparison to good 'ol rain water.  Funny thing is I'm excited about something that I don't eat unless they're cooked.  Peppers are looking good, the water logged bucket has not changed, and there are now 4 mini reds.  Strawberry plants are doing fantastic since cutting all the flowers and fruits off.  Now in a month or so I will let the flowers set and see what produces.  Gonna have another cuc ready by the end of week and the taste buds are ready.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hot Pepper

No they're not hot but they're dogs either! The red peppers have been coming in for the last week or so but have been minuscule and withered.  Didn't think they would turn into anything but that does not seem to be the case.  Then I saw the mini red peppers today (3 to be exact).  They are not what I was expecting them to look like so I've missed them.  Yeah peppers!!!  It's so exciting.