Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Beast Grows

During morning visual inspections to see how much rain actually soaked in between the leaves, I noticed this new branch split.  The first split occurs not 3 inches up and the branch is loaded with toms.  But as you can just see in the pic (top right corner) is a white twisty.  There is lots of debates on staking (or not) a tom plant.  In the last garden I waited to long and the plants went crazy!  Sure it looked great but getting to fruits was difficult and I was constantly on the look out for critter alert under the bushes.  Being in a bucket I decided that staking was critical since there was no run room but it does not seemed to have helped.  Since the plant seems to be doing well after first I wouldn't worry except for the rain.  The last count was just past 5" and that's not including today.  Hold on toms, the sun is on the way!!!