Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Let the Water Flow

Rain, rain and more rain.  As of late yesterday the gauge was up to 7" in less than a week.  Fortunately the remaining weeks' forecast is for sun.  With that kinda rain the plants (except for cucs and squash) were literally floating in their buckets.  So with little alternative left, holes were drilled.  Holes were drilled on bottom for future usage of double stacked buckets if desired.  This allows excess water to drain into second bucket with no water wasted and no mess around bottoms.

Pic one shows strawberry and mini pepper plants.  Water visible is what could not be poured out onto ground first!  They by far were the worse with fungus growing in the bottom of the buckets and smelling of swamp.  Buckets were washed, drilled (second pic) and new dirt placed in bottom.  Third pic is bottom of cherry toms after first hole drilled.  YIKES!!!  There was no water in cucs or squash buckets.  Guess the leaves keeps most of the water out.

Lesson learned:  buckets have to have holes for drainage and air circulation to prevent root rot, fungus, fruit loss and for overall healthy plant growth.