Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Peppers, Peppers, Peppers!

Will these meekly little ol' peppers be remembered years later as the famous line stated by Marsha Brady???  Probably not for anyone expect me but that's ok too.  These poor peppers have had to work to look this great.  Now if they would just start changing colors.  Am worried about the yellow peps (1st pic).  Fruits are getting HUGE and space seems crowded.  Wondering if crowding should be thinned or not.  Red peps (2nd pic) will have the same problem when these get bigger.  Can't see commercial farms spending time on thinning.  Gonna have to read up.  Can you believe that last pic is mini red pep?  It looked so bad a few weeks ago and last week needed staking (grey steak in middle of pic) to help hold up plant during recovery. Go Peps Go!

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