Monday, April 2, 2012

Mulch ASAP

Yikes, came home from errands, two weeks after planting, to find the squash wilted and crunchy.  Its not even hot yet!  The thermometer in reading a mere 82 F.  Definitely need to apply mulch to the buckets.  Mulching has many wonderful benefits such as weed reduction, increased soil structure/protection and decreased soil compaction/run-off.  Edible buckets only benefit from mulch is to protect against water evaporation.  There are numerous ways to mulch and it can be organic/non-organic.  I chose the re-usage of composted materials: decomposing hay/horse manure mixture left over from the Yee-Haw Riders on their way to the rodeo a month ago.  It was readily available and cheap.  Did I say cheap, I meant free and that is even better!

(The pic is of squash after mulching and before adding a tad of water.  The soil was still moist but not where it should have been after just watering yesterday.  See how puny it is....)