Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Buckets of a Different Sort

Planted some herbs (from seeds that have been in the freezer for 3 years) on 3.20.12 in my homemade buckets (yeah more free stuff!)  All one needs for these reusable, multi-designable buckets are some plastic bottles (with funnel section removed) and coat hangers (if you want to hang outside instead of window).  Using pliers, I unhooked/unbent a coat hanger until it was straight then worked it around the bottle creating a self contained hook system to hang outside in the sun.  Poked bottle bottoms with small holes for drainage, added small pea gravel sized rocks (found in parking lot) for extra drainage, added soil and seeds (cilantro, chives, oregano, parsley, sweet basil, thyme).  Awaiting a transplant of rosemary.  Why grow from seed when a snipping does so well.  Now the waiting game, 3 years is a long time to save seeds.

Play with bottles shapes and sizes to meet your herbal needs and visual senses.  I used 2 liter soda bottles; aesthetics are not that important to me at this time, and because I had lots of them!  Others jars/bottles to consider that are sturdy: peanut butter, mayonnaise,  Planters 35oz nut containers, vegetable oil/milk jugs (not nice and clear but large with a handle), upside down ketchup bottles have built in drainage, shampoo/conditioner, etc...  Get the idea, huh?