Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rain Collection

Living in an urban environment has its limits for plant life, such as amply access to rain water.  Yes they are outside but water collection is limited.  One can supplement water from the hose (uck) but nothing compares to rain water for its cool, refreshing qualities.  Plants perk up immediately looking bright and chipper, wishing they were Gene Kelly "Singing in the rain...", not just surviving on hose water.  For continued plant singing, I set a sand bucket (in a former life that is) under the rain gutter down spout.  Lots of water collected, little rain deposited and is good for a few days before the dogs drink it all or the mosquitoes discover it.  Just out of the pic is another 5g bucket full.  It rained for about 10 minutes on 3.28.12, so I filled that one too!

Buckets List Update: grape toms, yellow toms, yellow/red pepper, mini red pepper, strawberry, cucs, and squash.  I think I'm done buying more varieties.  Have run out of 5g buckets.

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