Thursday, April 5, 2012

Herb Mister

In needing to water the delicate little herb seeds, I tried many approaches.  I poured the water through a napkin (wasteful), through my fingers (lacked control), and then decided that a mister was needed.  The seeds are just barely under the dirt so it should work.  It also has an adjustable nozzle and it was free (note the food stuff label, used for applying apple juice to brisket -YUM!  Yes that is rain H20 in there, only the best for the seedlings too.

Herb Update: as of this posting the basil is coming in strong, cilantro has a few, and the thyme has 1 sprout.  There is none for the chives, parsley, or oregano so more seeds were placed in cotton balls on 4.2.12 along with thyme.

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