Thursday, May 3, 2012

Unlucky Breaks

I have no idea what I'm doing in this bucket adventure.  All I know for sure is that it is taking a turn for the worse.  Some of the down turn is my fault (refusing to drill holes in buckets), some of its bad luck (herbs refusing to seed), other is just no luck at all (damping off).  Cuc are looking crispy and have only set new 3 fruits, while other fruits are dried out crunchy remnants.  Squash seems to be too confined for its bucket and the berries experienced the same downfall as the pepper.  Toms have tons of fruit but none ripping and the branches are drying where it is rubbing the stakes.  Ugh!  Strangely enough the basil looks great but is growing in fungus.  Did I create a new breed?  Ha ha!!!