Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's A Gonner

Well it was wasn't Godzilla or a natural disaster but a disaster non the less.  This is why most people drill holes in buckets, to eliminate the chance of over watering.  Since rain comes so irregular, I knew chances were slim of this occurring.  What I was not factoring into equation was man (child actually).  There was so much water in the pepper bucket (of course the peppers!) that when it was POURED out it filled a 32oz cup.  Soup City!!!  

The other plants seem to be responding quite well to the increase in water allotment, especially the strawberries.  The toms fruit are still green with no hint of turning red/yellow, the cucs are holding their own and the squash is looking great.  Baby squash is sounding very tempting.  Works for baby carrots, why not squash too?  Saute 'em whole with butter, lemon pepper, salt.  Yum Bo!  Hmm, might have to try that...