Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sayonara Colors

Believers of omens say death comes in three.  Seems to be true, if I believed. Weather being what it is, growing season ending and treacherous life plants have endured (look at toms strength in pic two) I have called it quits for yellow toms and orange peps. They gave a good life (pic one is today's crop) and they will give a good death. Plants may not have be given a penny for the undertaker and they weren't buried with cats for protection but they were retired with honor. While a circle of friends watched, plants were de-bucketed, de-rocked, placed upon compost pile and bidden fare well.
Pic two shows yellow tom being carried, for about an hundred feet, to compost pile by its base. Boy Howdy look (pic three) at those roots!!!  Being raised in a wind funnel turned out to have its own advantages. Really gonna have to find bigger buckets for fall planting.

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