Sunday, April 22, 2012

Whirlwind Weather

First on Friday (after posting) some long over due rain.  Yeah!!!  It didn't last long (7-10 mins) nor did it leave much (less than 1/4 inch).  Beggars can't be choosy and that did not stop me from running crazy looking for more water collectors (good 'ol Tupperware!).  Once it stopped plants were heavily watered, buckets were refilled and the rest was run-off (ugh).
Then forecasted wind.  Winds were coming from the opposite direction as last weekend yet with all the same vengeance.  They measured 10-15mph with gusts up to 25pmh.  And blow it did too till yesterday afternoon.  Did you see the uncovered strawberry?
Finally the sun.  Directly after the rain stopped the clouds cleared.  For two and half glorious days the clear blue skies have be powder puff free.  Now the plants (and 1st squash flowers!) need more rain.  What a delicate balance a 5gal bucket life can be!