Monday, April 23, 2012

Ugh Peppers

Another glorious day: sunny, cool, breezy.  What more could anybody ask for?  Peppers, that's what!!!  Nothing but pepper problems.  The plants took a beating in the wind, the flowers bloom vibrantly full with no fruit production, and the mini peppers' leaves are still yellow tinted, not crunchy nor do they fall off.  Everything read said they're watered too much.  Umm I think NOT!

On the flip-side: cucs have half dozen fruits in various lengths with the biggest the size of a sweet midget pickle.  Toms are coming in strong, especially the grape with close to 20 fruits.  Yellow toms have 8 or so fruits, all very tiny, none bigger than a peanut M&M (mmm yummy M&M's).  Strawberries are up to 5 fruits with first tasting in a day or so.  Squash had dead leaves trimmed (left in bucket for mulch) and notice 5 flowers.  Should have planted lettuces to complete a salad! 

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