Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spreading Knowledge

Reasons for starting this blog were simple. First I wanted a way to journel my discoveries in the adventures of bucket gardening. Second, and more importantly, was for the expansion of knowledge, both mine and yours. One could ponder as to why I would feel complelled to add to the plethera of information already available on the net. I add my experiences (even when they fail), my knowledge (albeight it small) and my insights (loaded with humor) to aide in future successes. Before today that answer would have sounded weak as Miss America stating she wants to end world hunger. What a farce!
While sitting at dinner yesterday afternoon I commented how lovey the basil was in the tomato salad and wondered aloud as to why mine never looks that great. With eyes upon me like I asked how to make a PB&J, I was informed it was becuase it did not pinch the flowers off. Uh huh, and why was this not mentioned to me before, why have I never heard Ina Garten explain this on her cooking show, where was that in the owners manuel??? Of course thinking about it later it made perfect sense. Didn't I trim flowers off berry plant in April to allow plant to grow fuller? So to quote words from a Tanya Tucker song: "step back non-believers for the rain will never come". Go my young child, spread the wealth, share the knowledge.

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