Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Until the Fall

With last of peps being tough skined and not sweet I am calling them done.  The red red pep bucket has been washed and stored for next season leaving only mini red pep and berry plant.  There are four peps on mini plant and close to a dozen berries.  With so little to blog about and not wanting to sound like a broken record, like a broken record, like a broken record, I am calling the blog done too.  Postings will reconvene as soon as plantings begin in late summer.   So until then.....

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fortuitus Me

It did not rain much, just a 1/4".  But I will take it and anymore if the clouds feels like dropping more.  The sun is peeking out but there are lots of dark clouds too.  Haven't decide if I should wash the truck, water the grass, or plan a camping trip.  I know that if I went and did any of these it would rain..  Too bad its a Monday work comes first, gotta pay for these buckets.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fortune Telling

Come on clouds, don't steer me wrong.  My plants could use some sky water.  Didn't see any scorpions in surburia today and unfortunately the care taker on Venus is unavailable for conferencing concerning stinging bathroom visitors.  However, the four legged digger is highly agitated this evening and that is a good sign but she is not reliable.  It could thunder forty miles away and she would get agitated.  Maybe today her eight ball is on course.  

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Red White and Green

Hello, aren't you just a beautiful display of colors.  Mother Earth News stated many peppers turn white during riping process and that it is OK for consumption.  Mexico's flag would add nice colors to any one of my tex-mex recipes but these are supposed to be RED!!!   These had been planned for a basil pesto pasta recipes, now they are food for the pile.  Bugs (and the four legged digger) gotta eat too!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cutting Reds

These are only a few of the peps that are turning red but these are also the worst looking too. Decided that they should be plucked for the good of remaining four. If flowers take away from plant growth them it would seem to follow that bad fruit takes away from good. Three of the remaining four have not started turning yet the fruit itself looks healthier. The remaining was the best outta the reddish colored. It did not have soft spots, BER, or funky noduels. I would really like a pretty red pep this season.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Spreading Knowledge

Reasons for starting this blog were simple. First I wanted a way to journel my discoveries in the adventures of bucket gardening. Second, and more importantly, was for the expansion of knowledge, both mine and yours. One could ponder as to why I would feel complelled to add to the plethera of information already available on the net. I add my experiences (even when they fail), my knowledge (albeight it small) and my insights (loaded with humor) to aide in future successes. Before today that answer would have sounded weak as Miss America stating she wants to end world hunger. What a farce!
While sitting at dinner yesterday afternoon I commented how lovey the basil was in the tomato salad and wondered aloud as to why mine never looks that great. With eyes upon me like I asked how to make a PB&J, I was informed it was becuase it did not pinch the flowers off. Uh huh, and why was this not mentioned to me before, why have I never heard Ina Garten explain this on her cooking show, where was that in the owners manuel??? Of course thinking about it later it made perfect sense. Didn't I trim flowers off berry plant in April to allow plant to grow fuller? So to quote words from a Tanya Tucker song: "step back non-believers for the rain will never come". Go my young child, spread the wealth, share the knowledge.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Basil Upgrade?

So, what do you think?  Should I transplant the basil.  I think that it has more than earned the right to be in a ceramic pot instead of the soda bottle. Gonna have to give it more thought.  A pot is not a bucket, nor free, nor mine.  If transplanted the basil would stay in suburbia.  That means I'd have to start again.  Ummm, maybe not.  Growing was work, watering is easy!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The berry bush seems to do things in singular motion starting with a lowly bucket. It produces berries one at a time even when there are multiple on bush.  Well there was that one day when it produced three berriws.  It still only has the single runner, now with new leaves.  Come to think about it I have no idea how to get more runners started either.  Need to work on that too so I have better production for next year.  Maybe its lonely!!!  Do berries need company?  I mean they are called strawberrIES.  Seriously, who eats just one strawberry?  Food for thought...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Way To Go

Prophecy come true!  Had a little less than 1/2" today on Venus (too bad grape tom gone on to a better life) and a little over a 1/2" in suburbia for a total of just over an 1" since yesterday afternoon.  Unfortunately the berries have excellent leaf coverage and received very little and canoe collector was upturned.  Oh well maybe berries will get some rain tonght with a bucket under down spout.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bug Prophecies

Here's the thing, this occurrence has only happened twice.  However each time it has happened the result is has been the same.  This afternoon I saw a scorpion in the bathroom.  What should happen as a result is that it should rain tonight or tomorrow.  Last time it rained (gosh how long was that???) I saw a scorpion in the bathroom as well.  Are scorpions good luck or was it coincidence???