Friday, June 1, 2012

Zucchini BER

ARGH!  Did you know that squash can get BER too?  Not me.  BER on squash is not like on toms.  Here it will rot (kill!) whole fruit.  Good grief Charlie Brown!!!  There's not been a single fruit that has grown past 6" long and lived to be eaten.  If chose to pick early (wasn't butter and lemon pepper calling...) then fruit will lack seeds and harvest will be small.  This morning's loss called for action.  According to some quick research the plant was either suffering from lack of mulch, pollination or calcium.  Being fruits grow past an inch or two, I'm going with the later.  Deficiency can be solved with dairy (dried milk, dried egg shells) or TUMS.  Haha, the zucc have stress too!!!

Happened to feed personal army eggs this AM.  Shells were washed, dried, crushed and placed under mulch.  Flowers were plucked to help deter BER.  Lets see what happens.

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