Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tom is Dying

Yup, consensus says the grape tom is not gonna make it.  First pic is all the branches that have been cut of grape tom since Sunday.  Second pic shows how tiny the fruits are setting.  Caretaker says tom on the left is about the size of a large raisin (or a raisin when plumped with liquid) and that there have been no new fruits set since leaving.  Another bucket bites the dust.

On a happier note, moved buckets are loving suburbia.  It is amazing what life off Venus will change.  Plants were watered Sunday morning, Sunday night once settled in new life and Tuesday night.  That's it!!!  Tom plants left behind were watered three times each yesterday.  That's 96oz of water and they still look scorched.  Think I will move yellow tom this coming Sunday to life in suburbia too.  Besides the two yellow peps, four berries have been collected.  Unfortunately berries are still small in size.  Snipping fruits off for the month of May did little to increase fruit size.  The plant does look better than before so experiment was not a total loss. 

Update June 16th:  When collecting yellow tom I decided that grape tom  did not look any worse than when left with caretaker so I am taking it to suburbia too.

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