Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Been watching this bucket of roots for two weeks wondering if and when it was gonna fall apart.  Did some detailed readings on root spacing for plant growth.  There is some debate was to what size pot some plants actually need.  Of course bigger is always better; especially cucs, gourds, and certain toms.  Bonnie plants had a great break down of plants by pot sizing.  Garden Web Forum (the third and fourth posting) gave some great information on soil and additional pot sizing.  However, it was at the Soil and Health Library site where I found the most detailed literature.  Here they discussed at length overall root importance, its growth at various stages, gave pics representing stage development, and had an intensive list of vegetables. 

As it turns out, both cucs and zuccs are not well suited for buckets.  They need lots of growth room for ever expanding root structure; several feet laterally and up to 24" inches in dept.  In order words, root structure killed both plants.  Live and learn.  And now you know, and knowing is half the battle!!!

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