Saturday, June 30, 2012


Composting is easy and requires little for results produced.  Years back at my own surburbia home I had a small composting pile.  It was a new adventure for me that produced some very rich mulch.  This small enclosed, above ground, fully shaded box (yes it looked like a coffin) was tended with more care than the garden some years.  It was watered regularly, soil diligently turned, had an ample amount of fruits/veggies/lawn clipping and was aided by a couple of dozen bought and transplanted earthworms. Oooh to watch them in action!  Turn over any cirtus rind to find it loaded with crawlers.  Of course with play comes work.  Work was defense against tiny little, 6 legged, ankle biting pests.  Ants could, would, and did wipe out earthworms in an instant.  So far no ants in suburbia composting pile but it is in dire need of composting 101.  Let the fun begin!

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