Monday, June 18, 2012

Changes in Latitude

What a difference a change is location can do for plants. These poor red pep plants (first pic) have been green for the longest but would not change colors. They have been in suburbia for less than a week and are changing.  It could be the INCH of rain the received this morning!!!  I have a feeling that skins are going to be tough but hopefully they will taste sweet.

This is the first fully developed fruit from mini red pepper (2nd pic).  I would be more excited except that there is only one other fruit set and there are no blossoms. Of course it has been through some tough times so I have not given up on it completely.  Now to see what this tiny pep (about the size of a large green grape) tastes like.

Update June 20th:  mini red pep was toughed skinned, strong in taste and not sweet.  This is not a reliable assessment.  Will await further peps for a more valid result.

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