Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rain Rain, Come My Way

Rain Rain, Come my way, The plants are starting to fade away.  It has not rained in 2 weeks.  The collection buckets are bone dry and have had 2 days of sun to kill any algae forming on sides.  Yesterday, I started scrounging around for ways to collect morning dew run off.  I need something to place around the base that reaches into the smaller yellow bucket.  Too bad 2L bottles are too small to enclose spout.  Lo and behold first thing this morning; a full bucket!!!  Aaah the advantages of living next to a 11000sf building.  It had drizzled just enough to collect. Yeah a days worth of water for each plant.  If only there was a bucket under each of the other SEVEN spouts!  Guess I need to work on that??  Dark clouds all day, not a drop over that drizzle.  Notice the ground away from the down spout is still DRY.