Saturday, April 7, 2012

How this Started

In reading the posts you see that the first few entries take place over the last month.  Upon deciding to start an urban garden, the debate for blogging was still in the air.  Blogging is new to me and reading and posting are NOT one in the same.  With both feet forward, I jumped in last Friday (3.30) and have attempted to catch up the veggies and herbs to their current state.  Postings from today forward will be current, day-to-day events or findings that are relevant to urban growing.  Enjoy!

During the past week it was noticed that the herbs were dying for reasons unknown. Damping off has destroyed the herbs.  Poor herbies!  If it had been discovered sooner there are natural remedies to help aide.  Basil and cilantro are the only remaining herbs, though not unaffected.  They too had new seeds cotton balled in a baggie in the window.  Millions of kinder kids and pinto beans can't be wrong.