Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Morning Urban America!!!

Urban life: haze, traffic, power outages!  It was not even hot yesterday.  In fact we are experiencing a cool front (58 F last night) and the city can't keep up with demands.  Gonna be a long summer at this rate, its the third outage this year.  What's weird is that they occur late in evening hours (affecting my postings).

Anyhoo.... This is what I opened the door to this morning: Glorious!  No haze, gentle breeze, and very cool (I say brrr).  Even the city is beautiful on days like this.  Yesterday started out with patchy clouds, giving way to full cloud cover, fairly breezy and still no RAIN.  But this mornings weather is a wonderful spring day.  There was lots of dew and by 7am the bucket was full.  Plants are still recuperating and today is exactly what the doctor ordered.  Bet we are singing the same song "it's great day to be alive, the sun's still shining...."

The first pic is at 7am and the second is at 7:20am.